The Real Manchurian Candidate began as a student at Harvard in 1959

His first week, at the tender age of 16, the real Manchurian Candidate met with his soon to be controller, Dr Henry A Murray. Dr. Murray would become world famous in 1967 as the CIA psychologist who slipped a colleague LSD. The colleague then took the magical mystery tour out the window of a New York Hotel, landing in front of horrified guests head-first on the sidewalk 14 floors below. It was the first, and worst, public exposure of the 7 billion dollar budgeted  MKUltra Mind Control program in which Dr Murray worked. But in 1959 Murray sat in an office at Harvard University in the early fall interviewing a promising prospect. From the Midwest, socially awkward, incredibly brilliant...a mathematics prodigy. Murray must have liked the first test results on the very young prospect because he code named the 16 year old "Lawful". In Mind Control parlance the rough equivalent of "Perfect". Murray would meet with Ted regularly for the next three years until the records purge of MKultra in 1962 when the agency attempted to destroy all references and records related to the program. The program went on bigger than ever...just no evidence exists of it anywhere after 1962. But in 1959 some diligent clerk hid the invoice records of Dr Henry A Murray. It is those records that trace Ted Kaczynski to Dr Murray's office. And there is more.... oh there is much more....